I Am A Beautiful LUVly Lady
I am a daughter, first & foremost —
A child of the king. I bear the image of my Father.
I am a sister, too, part of the Family of God,
the Bride of Christ.
I study the bible — the inspired Word of God —
faithfully. I believe God’s Word is profitable
for teaching & training in righteousness.
I believe it is living & active.
I pray alone & in community,
believing God hears & cares for His children.
I laugh, grow, & worship
alongside my fellow image bearers.
I make disciples & teach them
to observe the commands of Christ.
I have been called out of the darkness
& into his marvelous light.
God has placed me here for such a time as this.
I am known. I am free. I am loved.
I Am A Beautiful LUVly Lady
Donate Money
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Army help us serve the most
vulnerable members of your
Donate Goods
Your donations to LUV Women's Ministry will help fund our ministry's outreach program.
Become a Fundraiser
Create your own fundraiser to
support a cause that's
important to you, and provide
hope to those in need in your
Donate Monthly
The assurance of ongoing
revenue from recurring gifts
empowers The Salvation Army
to expand our services further
and faster
Mission Statement
The Ladies United in Victory ~LUV~ Women's Ministry’s mission is to unite ladies through their defeats and victories, regardless of ethnicity, religion, denomination, or faith. Dedicated to creating a transparent judgment free zone that inspires women to encourage, support, inspire, uplift, empower, hold accountable, accept love but most of all love each other. To recognize that they are not the only ones dealing with a specific situation or dilemma and that it is alright to ask for help. By sharing our testimonies of defeat and victories we help the next lady to become victorious and as women we become more united. The more we unite the less power the enemy has, and the more defeated he is and the stronger we become.
United We'll Stand & Victory For All!
Donate Money
Your donations to The Salvation
Army help us serve the most
vulnerable members of your
Donate Goods
Your donations to Salvation
Army Family Stores help fund
rehabilitation programs that
heal addictions, change lives,
and restore families.
Become a Fundraiser
Create your own fundraiser to
support a cause that's
important to you, and provide
hope to those in need in your
Donate Monthly
The assurance of ongoing
revenue from recurring gifts
empowers The Salvation Army
to expand our services further
and faster
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